Subpart 5—Definitions and Miscellaneous Provisions

Part E—Miscellaneous Provisions

[1] Title XVIII of the Social Security Act is administered by the Centersfor Medicare and Medicaid Services. Title XVIII appears in the UnitedStates Code as §§1395-1395lll, subchapter XVIII, chapter7, Title 42. Vupoint magic wand software for mac. Regulations of the Secretary of Health and Human Servicesrelating to Title XVIII are contained in chapter IV, Title 42, andin subtitle A, Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations.
See Vol. II, 31 U.S.C. 3716(c)(3)(D), with respect to theapplication of administrative offset provisions to medicare provideror supplier payments; P.L. 78-410, §353(i)(3) and (n), with respectto clinical laboratories; P.L. 88-352, §601, for prohibitionagainst discrimination in Federally assisted programs; P.L. 89-73,§§203 and 422(c), with respect to consultation with respectto programs and services for the aged; P.L. 93-288, §312(d),with respect to exclusion from income and resources of certain Federalmajor disaster and emergency assistance; P.L. 97-248, §119, withrespect to private sector review initiative and restriction againstrecovery from beneficiaries; P.L. 98-369, §2355, with respectto waivers for social health maintenance organizations; P.L. 99-177,§257(b)(3) and (c)(3), with respect to the calculation of thebaseline; P.L. 99-272, §9220, with respect to extension, terms,conditions, and period of approval of the extension of On Lok waiver;and §9215, with respect to the extension of certain medicarehealth services demonstration projects; P.L. 99-319, §105, withrespect to systems requirements; P.L. 99-509, §9339(d) with respectto State standards for directors of clinical laboratories; §9342with respect to Alzheimer’s disease demonstration projects;§9353(a)(4) with respect to a small-area analysis; and §9412with respect to the waiver authority for chronically mentally illand frail elderly; P.L. 99-660, Title IV, with respect to professionalreview activities; P.L. 100-203, §4008(d)(3), with respect toa report regarding hospital outlier payments; P.L. 100-204, §724(d),with respect to furnishing information to the United States Commissionon Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations; and §725(b),with respect to the detailing of Government personnel; P.L. 100-235,§§5–8, with respect to responsibilities of each Federalagency for computer systems security and privacy; P.L. 100-383, §§105(f)(2)and 206(d)(2), with respect to exclusions from income and resourcesof certain payments to certain individuals; P.L. 100-581, §§501,502(b)(1), and 503, with respect to exclusion from income and resourcesof certain judgment funds; P.L. 100-647, §8411, with respectto treatment of certain nursing education programs; P.L. 100-690,§5301(a)(1)(C) and (d)(1)(B), with respect to benefits of drugtraffickers and possessors; P.L. 100-713, §712, with respectto the provision of services in Montana; P.L. 101-121, with respectto the amounts collected by the Secretary of Health and Human Servicesunder the authority of title IV of the Indian Health Care ImprovementAct; P.L. 101-239, §6025, with respect to a dentist’s servingas hospital medical director; §6205(a)(1)(A) and (a)(2), withrespect to recognition of costs of certain hospital-based nursingschools; P.L. 104-191, §261, with respect to purpose of administrativesimplification; P.L. 106-554, §1(a)(6) [122], with respect tocancer prevention and treatment demonstrations for ethnic and racialminorities; and [128] with respect to a lifestyle modification programdemonstration; P.L. 110-275, §186, with respect to a demonstrationproject to improve care to previously uninsured; P.L. 111-148, §1103,with respect to immediate information that allows consumers to identifyaffordable coverage options; §2602, with respect to providingFederal coverage and payment coordination for dual eligible beneficiaries;P.L. 111-240, §4241, with respect to the use of predictive modelingand other analytics technologies to identify and prevent waste, fraud,and abuse in the medicare fee-for-service program; P.L. 111-309, §206,with respect to funding for claims reprocessing; and P.L. 112-240,§609 (b), with respect to a strategy for providing data for performanceimprovement in a timely manner to applicable providers under the medicareprogram and §643, with respect to a commission on long-term care.See Vol. II, P.L. 114–10, §104, with respect to requirementon Secretary to make publicly available information about physiciansand other eligible professionals on items and services furnished tomedicare beneficiaries under this title; §106(b), with respectto requirements on Secretary to establish metric and mechanisms topromote electronic health records systems and interoperability; §106(d)for a rule of construction regarding health providers and malpracticeand liability claims. See Vol. II, P.L. 114–255, §17003,with respect to required update to “Welcome to Medicare” package and information gathering by the Secretary of HHS. See Vol.II, P.L. 115–123, §50353, with respect to required HHSstudy on long-term, chronic condition cost drivers to the Medicareprogram. See Vol. II, P.L. 115–245, §§506, 507, forlimitations on funds appropriated for the administration of TitleXVIII programs. See Vol. II, P.L. 115–271, §6032, withrespect to study and report to Congress regarding Medicare and Medicaidpayment and coverage policies that may be viewed as potential obstaclesto effective response to the opioid crisis; §6094, with respectto another technical expert study and report to Congress on reducingsurgical setting opioid use and data collection on perioperative opioiduse.
[2] This table of contents does not appear in the law.
NOTE: This section is not applicable to Word 2010.
DISPLAYBARCODE field-argument-1 field-argument-2 [ switches]
Description: Renders a generated barcode symbol usingthe data in this display field.

Text Bar 3 2 1820 Drive

field-argument-1 is a quoted string containing thedata (barcode-data) used to generate the barcode symbol.

Text Bar 3 2 1820 Pdf

field-argument-2 is a text string containing the typeof barcode (barcode-type) that will be generated. The valid values(case-insensitive) are: UPCA|UPCE|JAN13|JAN8|EAN13|EAN8|CASE|ITF14|NW7|CODE39|CODE128|JPPOST|QR
The meanings of these values are described in the followingtable:
Barcode Type Description
A QR 2D bar code as specified by [ISO/IEC18004:2006].
A Code 128 linear bar code as specified by [AIM-BC4-1995-Code128].
A Code 39 linear bar code as specified by [AIM-BC1-1995-Code39].
A Japanese Postal Service Customer barcode. JPPost is compliant with CBC (Customer Bar Code), which is also known as RM4SCC.
An EAN - International Article Number worldwide bar code for product ID’s (8 digit/13 digit) as specified in [GS1-BARCODE].
A JAN: Japanese barcode for product ID’s (8 digit/13 digit). JAN8 is an alias of EAN8. JAN13 is an alias of EAN13.
A UPC (A&E): US barcode for product ID’s as specified in [GS1-BARCODE].
An ITF-14 item-tracking barcode for shipping as specified in [GS1-BARCODE].
A NW-7 (CODABAR) serial number bar code as specified by [AIM-BC3-1995-Codabar].
USPS barcode – FIM/POSTNET (*2) - barcode for tracking USPS mail. CASE is an alias of ITF14.
Switches: Zero or more of the following field-specific-switches:
Field Switch
h field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument is an integer that specifies the height of the symbol. The units are in TWIPS (1/1440 inch).
s field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument is an integer that specifies a scaling factor for the symbol. The value is in whole percentage points and the valid values are [10, 1000]
q field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument is an integer that specifies the error correction level of QR Code. Valid values (case insensitive) are [L|M|Q|H].
p field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument specifies the style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8). The valid values (case insensitive) are [STD|SUP2|SUP5|CASE].
Fixes the check digit if it’s invalid.
Adds Start/Stop characters for barcode types NW7 and CODE39
c field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument specifies the style of a Case Code for barcode type ITF14. The valid values are [STD|EXT|ADD]
r field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument is an integer that specifies the rotation of the barcode symbol. Valid values are [0, 3]
f field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument is an integer that specifies the foreground color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range [0, 0xFFFFFF]
b field-argument
The text in this switch's field-argument is an integer that specifies the background color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range [0, 0xFFFFFF]
Display barcode data (text) along with image
[Example: The following field encodes 490123456789 into anEAN-13 barcode symbol:
end example]

Text Bar 3 2 1820 Cent

[Example: The following field encodes“” into a QR Code symbol with highest error correctionlevel:

Text Bar 3 2 1820 +

end example]